Italy, 1910s–1950s: Pettazzoni’s revolutionary rebuttal. Schmidt’s legacy: The strategic rescue of Andrew Lang’s High Gods as an early home run for post-truth. Austria and Switzerland, 1900s–1950s: Schmidt’s apologetic history of religion. Germany, 1890s: ‘Cultural circles’, geography and reactionary politics. Netherlands, 1930s: van der Leeuw’s re-confessionalization. Netherlands, 1870s: Chantepie’s theological reaction. Netherlands, 1860s: Tiele’s (tentative) science of religion. Birth certificate(s): HoR’s proximate origins. The end of the Victorian science of religion. Smith’s heretical accommodationism, 1880s. A scientific theology? William Robertson Smith’s ‘dual life’. The Descent of Man, 1871: Degrees, not kinds. The Origin of Species, 1859: Breaking the chain of being. The threat of a scientific and comparative study of religion. Triumph and dissolution of comparison: James George Frazer. Enter comparative mythology: Friedrich Max Müller. Rationality as cumulative by- product of comparison: From Jean Bodin to Edward Burnett Tylor. A preliminary note on imperialism, postmodernism and science.

Preface: Ghosts, Post- truth Despair and Brandolini’s Law. Julia Richter, Berlin: Frank und Timme Verlag, 2013.Table of contents : Cover page. Rauschgift in der rumaenischen Kultur: Geschichte, Religion und Literatur, trans.Istorie, religie şi literatură, illustrated edition, Iaşi: Polirom, 2010, 500 pp, PDF, IA, ARG 2nd edition, 2011 3rd edition, revised and enlarged, 2014, 704 pp. Mit şi magie în cultura tradiţională românească, illustrated edition, Iaşi: Polirom, 2004. Inventing the Jew: Antisemitic Stereotypes in Romanian and Other Central-East European Cultures, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 2009, PDF.Une approche comparative, illustrated edition, Paris: Editions Non Lieu, 2013. Les Images du Juif: Clichés antisémites dans la culture roumaine.A Képzeletbeli Zsidó, Cluj Napoca: Kriterion, 2005.Das Bild des Juden in der rumänischen Volkskultur, Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre Verlag, 2002.Studiu de imagologie în context est-central european, Bucharest: Humanitas, 2001 2nd edition, 2004 3rd edition, Iaşi: Polirom, 2012. Motive şi semnificaţii mito-simbolice în cultura tradiţională românească, Bucharest: Minerva, 1989, PDF, PDF, IA, ARG.Comentarii mitologice, Cluj Napoca: Dacia, 1980, PDF, IA, ARG 2nd edition, Iaşi: Polirom, 2012. Specialized in the history of religions and mentalities, he is also noted for his investigation of rituals and magic and his work in Jewish studies and the history of antisemitism. Andrei Oișteanu (September 18, 1948) is a Romanian historian of religions and mentalities, ethnologist, cultural anthropologist, literary critic and novelist.