Evelyn Welch, publicity quote, back cover, Renaissance Women Patrons. See Dunlop, Did the Renaissance have aRenaissance, notes 3 and 4, p.

Pictures of this item not already displayed here available upon request. Evelyn Welch, Art and Society in Italy 1350- 1500 in Art History, vol. Category: Art & Design History Europe Italy History. Las mejores ofertas para Art and Society in Italy, 1350-1500 by Evelyn S. Welch, Art and Society in Italy 1350-1500, Oxford University Press. Art and Society in Italy 1350-1500 dramatically revises the traditional story of the Renaissance and takes into account new issues that have greatly enriched our understanding of the period. This introductory art history course will take students through Italian and. Here, Evelyn Welch presents a fresh picture of the Italian Renaissance by challenging traditional scholarship and placing emphasis on recreating the experience of contemporary Italians: the patrons who commissioned the works, the members of the public who viewed them, and the artists who produced them.

The Italian Renaissance was a pivotal period in the history of Western culture during which artists such as Masaccio, Donatello, Fra Angelico, and Leonardo created some of the world's most influential and exciting works in a variety of artistic fields. Art in Renaissance Italy, 1350-1500 discusses a wide range of issues including materials.